IPA: nˈɛroʊnʌs
- (uncountable) the state of being narrow
- (countable) a constriction
Examples of "narrowness" in Sentences
- He regretted what he termed the narrowness of the Public
- She calls the narrowness of Woody Allen's focus "self-absorption."
- Southern jealousy in this regard ultimated inevitably in Southern narrowness,
- In reading Alfieri, I am always struck with what I may call the narrowness of his tragedies.
- It makes us more tolerant toward a certain narrowness, which is often provincial and sometimes almost parochial.
- My press has no rank but from its narrowness, that is, from the paucity of its editions, and from being a volunteer.
- Indeed, her lifelong familiarity with what she termed the narrowness of a small community made her the more intolerant, now that its groove was closing about her for a second time.
- But the men of the clique live together because they have the same kind of soul, and their narrowness is a narrowness of spiritual coherence and contentment, like that which exists in hell.
- The Hinayana, or narrow vehicle, is not all that narrow in its view: the narrowness is the immediacy of focus on the individual practitioner himself or herself, the goal being soso tharpa (Tibetan: individual liberation from suffering in samsara).
- To the virtuous and deserving among the Americans, nothing can be more disagreeable than national reflections; they are, and must be, in the eyes of every judicious man, odious and contemptible, and bespeak a narrowness of soul which the virtuous are strangers to.