IPA: nˈeɪzʌɫɪzˈeɪʃʌn
- Alternative spelling of nasalization [(phonetics, uncountable) the articulation of a vowel or continuant consonant in such a way that air flows through the nose at the same time as it flows through the mouth]
Examples of "nasalisation" in Sentences
- Tones and nasalisation are not normally written.
- This makes nasalisation the only mark of the negative.
- The z in the listing actually represents a nasalisation.
- The word is supposed to be pronounced with thorough nasalisation.
- It had hardly any of the strident nasalisation of much American speech.
- Gaelic does have nasalisation but it's rarely obligatory or distinctive.
- Unfortunately it isn't very compatible with diacritics, like for nasalisation.
- The ultra-provincial twang which we still hear amongst the servant-classes of Lancashire and Yorkshire, and which is so notable in the nouveau riche, modified by traditional nasalisation and, as in Australia, by climatic influences, is American and, therefore, the purest of English utterances.