
IPA: nˈeɪtʌɫ


  • A former British colony and province of South Africa, itself beforehand the Natalia Republic. It is now called KwaZulu-Natal province.
  • A municipality, the state capital of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil


  • Of or relating to birth.
  • Of or relating to the buttocks.

Examples of "natal" in Sentences

  • The child suffered a natal injury.
  • I don't really know, but I have seen "natal" teeth.
  • In Natal, Chamberlain was given a rapturous welcome.
  • Prophylaxis needs antenatal, natal and post natal care.
  • A. Prophylaxis needs antenatal, natal and post natal care.
  • The episcopal leader of the diocese is the Bishop of Natal.
  • This article contradicts the article on the natal shyshark.
  • Davis founded and endowed the Durban campus of the University of Natal.
  • It is commonly found in the coastal bush of the Eastern Cape and Natal.
  • He is a musicologist, author, and librarian at the Natal Society Library.
  • Still flying around the table, he used one wing to make an extravagant natal gesture.
  • Thus Redclyffe really found less antiquity here, than in the graveyard which might almost be called his natal spot.
  • For too many ministers, the trek to fellowship begins in a place of isolation, even disconnection, away from the 'natal' community.
  • The role of the stars in the life of individuals is known as "natal" astrology while "mundane" astrology deals with the fate of nations and concepts like the AGE OF AQUARIUS.
  • He took it luxuriously because he believed in his fortune, a kind of natal star, the common heritage of the adventurous, that brought him his good things in time, in return for energetic strivings in a higher direction apart from his natural longings.
  • According to Judy Stamps from the University of California at Davis, like humans who move out of their parents 'houses in adulthood, most animals leave their birthplaces before they start to raise families of their own, a phenomenon known as natal dispersal.
  • During the first three ages of Christianity they were contented with celebrating the day of the death of martyrs, which they called their natal day, by assembling in the cemeteries where their bodies lay, to pray for them, as we have remarked in the article on
  • Heinlein may have been a opinionated old fart, but he usually put a lot of thought into his opinions, and he draws a completely valid distinction between what he called natal horological astrology and the type of astrology that was the historical precursor for modern astronomy.

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