
IPA: nˈeɪʃʌn


  • (collective) A historically constituted, stable community of people, formed based on a common language, territory, economic life, ethnicity and/or psychological make-up manifested in a common culture.
  • (by extension, informal, often humorous) A community united by some trait (especially an interest) but not historically constituted.
  • (international law, metonymically) A sovereign state; (loosely, metonymically, proscribed) a country.
  • (chiefly historical) An association of students based on its members' birthplace or ethnicity.
  • (obsolete) A great number; a great deal.
  • In North America, an Indigenous people and their federally recognized territory.
  • (rare) Damnation.
  • A surname.


  • (rare, dialectal) Extremely, very.

Examples of "nation" in Sentences

  • The national flag symbolizes the country.
  • The country had to adjourn the national disputes.
  • The game is now the national sport of the country.
  • The national flower of the country is the magnolia.
  • Its blossom is the national flower of this country.
  • Robin is the national bird of some European countries.
  • The stele symbolizes the national rebirth of Armenians.
  • The cover bears the harp, the national symbol of Ireland.
  • The Scout emblem features a budding nutmeg, the national symbol.
  • The cockade of Peru is a popular unofficial symbol of the Peruvian nation.
  • "I repeat, 'Hell has no fury like a nation scorned' -- _Nation_, you hear, Pickles -- _nation_, not woman.
  • An English _nation_ or set of students of the Faculty of Arts at Paris existed in 1169; after 1430 the name was changed to the German nation.
  • Jews might hardly have been called by Jeremiah _an ancient nation, from of old a nation_, and in fact these phrases are wanting in the Greek version.
  • _nation_, or _state_, is a large number of persons united under some form of government; as, the French nation; the British nation; or the state of New-York; the state of Virginia.
  • The fact that President Obama used the phrase "nation building at home" in his recent speech on the draw down of troops which I had promoted in the Huffington Post last fall is mildly encouraging.
  • Simply because America is the only nation that has used atomic weapons against another nation… and that there have been no such weapons used since, is no guarantee that it cannot happen again and in fact, is considered "acceptable" in some circles of Washington.
  • As Chancellor of the Exchequer he was the Minister most interested in knowing that Palmerston, Russell, and himself were banded together by mutual pledge to make the Confederacy a nation the next week, and that the Southern leaders had as yet no hope of “making a nation” but in them.
  • Commonwealth, a free an '_equal_ member of a liberty-loving nation, a nation whose standard is, _now_ and forever,' Gimme liberty or gimme det ', a _nation_ that stands for all the conceivable benefits that mankind may enjoy, a _nation_ that scintillates pyrotechnically over the prostitution of power -- "
  • "The ultimate aim of the Czecho-Slovak National Council in Prague is postulated by the demand of these times: _to enlist for systematic work, to organise and lead the great spiritual, moral and national resources of the nation_ to that end which is the most sacred and inalienable right of every nation and which cannot and will not be denied also to our nation:
  • "If the Doctor had been contented with the liberty he took of preaching up the duty of passive obedience in the most extensive manner he had thought fit, and would have stopped there, your Lordships would not have had the trouble in relation to him that you now have; but it is plain that he preached up his absolute and unconditional obedience, not _to continue the peace and tranquillity of this nation, but to set the subjects at strife, and to raise a war in the bowels of this nation_: and it is for _this_ that he is now prosecuted; though he would fain have it believed that the prosecution was for preaching the peaceable doctrine of absolute obedience."

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