IPA: nˈæʃnʌɫɪzˈeɪʃʌn
- The act or process of nationalising:
- The act or process of making or becoming a nation.
- The act of taking formerly private assets into public or state ownership.
- The act of becoming nationalistic.
- (politics) The process of losing local and regional variation and becoming national in character and scope.
Examples of "nationalisation" in Sentences
- Support for oil nationalisation.
- After the bank's nationalisation.
- Post war recovery and nationalisation.
- Nationalisation and subsequent closure.
- Nationalisation of aircraft production.
- Business development and nationalisation.
- The mines involved in the nationalisation.
- Part nationalisation and sale to Santander.
- It would be nationalisation if done 'with' compensation.
- After nationalisation in 1948, the pace of rundown quickened.
- He added, “If nationalisation is what works, then we should do it.”
- "A short-term nationalisation of the banking sector may well be both necessary and the right thing to do."
- I'd also argue that nationalisation is a good way of ensuring that we aren't held to ransom by the doctors 'cartel.
- However, the ANC had dropped the idea of nationalisation because of the negative reaction received from foreign countries.
- Africa's first democratic elections in April, the dreaded word nationalisation that once figured in the ANC agenda has barely been mentioned.
- Warning against what he described as the nationalisation of universities to address the problem, Wiechers said universities would have to find their own solutions.
- When Anglo American's chief executive, Cynthia Carroll, referred to nationalisation as "the road to ruin" and its proponents as "false prophets", she obtained the backing of the mines minister, Susan Shabangu.
- Showing page 1 of 1 comment pages, 4 total comments But Mandela renounced the idea of nationalisation later, realising that the country would not get overseas investment, which would be badly needed, should it be implemented.