IPA: nˈæʃʌnʌɫaɪz
- (rare) To make into, or to become, a nation.
- To bring a private company under the control of a specific government.
- To bring a concept such as a political issue or commercial campaign to the attention of the entire country.
- (politics) To change from having local and regional variation to being national in character and scope.
- (archaic) To make national; to make a nation of; to endow with the character and habits of a nation, or the peculiar sentiments and attachment of citizens of a nation.
Examples of "nationalize" in Sentences
- And the push to nationalize is just another left-wing handout/wish.
- Is there some special reason it cannot come into México without being "nationalize"?
- He thought I could "nationalize" it since it was over 10 years in MX (turns out to be a gringo myth), but it cannot be nationalized (VIN # doesn't fall into the correct category).