IPA: nˈeɪʃʌnhʊd
- The quality of being a nation.
- The fact of achieving national independence or autonomy.
Examples of "nationhood" in Sentences
- Nationhood is the state of being a nation.
- Nationhood is a deadly contest for survival.
- The appeals of nationhood are left to poets.
- The questions about nationhood are the same.
- The same is true of the sense of nationhood.
- Republican ethos and ideas about nationhood.
- After all an anthem is a symbol of nationhood.
- Religion and nationhood are part of humanity's childhood.
- The principles of Garveyism are race first, self reliance and nationhood.
- The Canadian nationhood is strong and further growth and development are sure.
- I agree that the case for Palestinian nationhood is weak on theoretical grounds.
- To cite Taney on the issue of American nationhood is a bit like invoking Al Capone on the rule of law.
- The entire point of nationhood is to place the welfare of citizens over that of non-citizens. superdestroyer says:
- He seems to be pretty much in agreement with Nick Griffin that nationhood is based round race ( "homogenous nations") and culture.
- One of the basic principles of our nationhood is that we respond in times such as these to support regions in particular economic difficulties.
- Attach the label of nationhood, wrapped in flags, the solidarity and competition of the Homeless World Cup is a reminder that goals, for however brief a moment they appear, is a release worth striving for.
- If Canada can solve her bilingual and bicultural problem, as I am confident she will, her nationhood is assured, with very close economic relations with the U.S. dictated by the facts of her situation but secure in her political independence.