IPA: nætʃɝɪzʌm
- The belief in or practice of going nude in social settings, often in mixed-gender groups, specifically either in cultures where this is not the norm or for health reasons.
- The worship of the powers of nature.
Examples of "naturism" in Sentences
- We are an independent video production company focusing on spirituality and naturism.
- Nudism, or "naturism" as it is today more properly called, has a long and distinguished history.
- This will, he told the Ilford Recorder afterwards, "prevent him from practising naturism in his house".
- Most of them are happy to partake in a bit of youthful exhibitionism, but are turned off by full militant naturism.
- According to a story in Dutch daily De Telegraaf, Dutch nudists who are Christians live in constant fear of having their love of naturism exposed.
- The embarrassment and shame over body parts are avoidable, and the sense of freedom in nudity may remain, through the philosophy and practice of naturism.
- - Going without clothes on beaches and other vacation spots is commonly called naturism - a description that implies helping the planet, as some practitioners claim to be doing.
- Looking for an extra gig to fill my schedule, I stumbled on this ad from Craigslist: Yoga Instructor (Midtown West) Date: 2009-11-02, 11: 49AM EST We are an independent video production company focusing on spirituality and naturism.
- Still, they can take some comfort from the fact that the title was by far the most interesting thing about this documentary because there isn't actually very much to say about naturism beyond most people looking better with their clothes on.