IPA: nɑtˈʊroʊpæθi
- (alternative medicine) A system of therapy that avoids synthetic drugs and surgery, while emphasizing the use of natural remedies (plants and the elements) and physical means (massage, acupuncture) to treat illness.
Examples of "naturopathy" in Sentences
- Feel free to sue anyone for defamation who calls naturopathy quackery.
- Pamela Ferrell: Pamela is a hair and scalp specialist and a doctor of naturopathy who practices holistic hair care.
- Given this model, introducing expert practitioners from naturopathy or homeopathy to empower patients with information may prove difficult.
- I'd love to have health insurance, but what is offered by my employer does not cover naturopathy or alternative care as a primary health care service.
- The South Bend Seven find the real howler though — apparently 15% of this tax increase or over a billion dollars a year will be directed to naturopathy programs.
- Naturopathic medicine (also known as naturopathy, or natural medicine) is a complementary and alternative medicine which emphasizes the body†™ s intrinsic ability to heal and maintain itself.
- V.K. Gupta, the head of this library, known as the Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), told AFP he hoped the database would provide a cheap and easy system to prevent "wrong patents" based on Indian naturopathy.