
IPA: nˈi


  • Abbreviation of Nebraska, a state of the United States of America. [A state in the Midwestern region of the United States. Capital: Lincoln. Largest city: Omaha.]
  • Abbreviation of New English. [The form of the English language spoken since the Great Vowel Shift in England, completed in roughly 1550.]
  • Initialism of New England, a region of the United States of America. [Collectively, six states of the United States, namely Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont.]
  • (software) Initialism of New Executable (executable file format used by early 16-bit versions of Microsoft Windows and IBM OS/2).
  • Initialism of northeast, a cardinal point of the compass. [The intercardinal compass point halfway between north and east; specifically at a bearing of 45°.]
  • Initialism of norepinephrine. [(biochemistry) A neurotransmitter found in the locus coeruleus which is synthesized from dopamine.]


  • Initialism of northeastern. [Of, related to, located in, or from the northeast.]
  • Initialism of not evaluated.


  • (obsolete) Not.
  • (stenoscript) Abbreviation of any. [To even the slightest extent, at all.]

Examples of "ne" in Sentences

  • Ne ta is from reversal of ta ne.
  • Screenshot of Spelunker for NES.
  • A study of NE found raising of .
  • Screenshot of Gauntlet for the NES.
  • It is the main maternity unit in the NE.
  • In the 2001 case of 'Epilepsy Found. of Ne.
  • But the NES held the same title universally.
  • The distribution of NE types in the seed NE list.
  • I. 41) 8. ne Street, 11. 133. ne«, Providinjr, II.
  • Calorific values of gases from NE F commonly range between 1,050 1,300 BTU.
  • November 12th, 2009 11: 57 am ET ne is a boring guy ... nothing to compare to Lou Dobbs.
  • Whether or not the antecedent NE is referred to in the context with the following NE is used as a feature.
  • Bitweonen mele ne gruselie ȝe nout. nouðer frut {;} ` ne´ oðerhwat. ne ` ne´ drinken wið {} uten leaue. [f.
  • +H+osen wið ute vampez {;} ligge in hwa {} se likeð · +I+scheoed ne slepe ȝe nawt · ne  {40} noh wer bute i bedde.
  • Yes | No | Report from peter wrote 21 weeks 22 hours ago there are quite a bit where i live in ne pa. last week we saw one in our back yard on our table
  • And yef ye bieþ clene {;} lokeþ þet ye ne falle nocht. þet ye ne  {155} bie deseuerd fram þe felarede of gode al {} michti. þurch none euele werkes þurch none euele
  • Once the Court defines the term ne exeat to involve or not to involve a right of custody, all lower courts will be required to make future decisions following that interpretation.
  • Hic non dignatus pedem Caroli osculari nisi ad os suum levaret, cumque sui comites illum admonerent ut pedem Regis in acceptione tanti muneris, Neustriae provinciae, oscularetur, Anglica lingua respondit '_ne se bi got_', quod interpretatur 'ne per deum'.
  • I could tolerate the ne - gleft of all other branches of agriculture, in favour of breeding flieep, only in cafe one part of the inhabitants planted herbs for dying, and attended to the procefs of colouring, which would be very praflicable in the prefent ne* glefled trafts of land, and worked up the wool into various articles of manufaQure, and utility, and thus faved the kingdom the charges attending foreign importation, whilft the flocks were tended by the other part of the inhabi - tants.

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