IPA: nˈɛsʌsɛri
- (chiefly UK, archaic, euphemistic, usually with the definite article) A place to do the "necessary" business of urination and defecation: an outhouse or lavatory.
- (obsolete) Necessity.
- A surname.
- Required, essential, whether logically inescapable or needed in order to achieve a desired result or avoid some penalty.
- Unavoidable, inevitable.
- (obsolete) Determined, involuntary: acting from compulsion rather than free will.
Examples of "necessary" in Sentences
- Studying regularly is necessary to pass the exam with a good grade
- Good communication skills are necessary for success in any profession
- It is necessary to wear a helmet while riding a bike to ensure safety
- Following a healthy diet and regular exercise are necessary for maintaining good health
- Adequate sleep is necessary for the body to function properly and stay energized