IPA: nɪgɫˈɛktfʌɫ
- Tending to neglect; failing to take care of matters which require attention.
Examples of "neglectful" in Sentences
- He's not neglectful, which is more than I can say for some docs.
- "Well, if I been kind of neglectful, it ain't that I'm not interested in you-all a heap!"
- Ms. Majors agrees with Boise police, and with Ferdinand himself, that he was "neglectful," but correctly said "that's not what we were there to decide.
- Most of the children I've had in my home come from young, low-income, single mothers who did the best they could but were deemed "neglectful" for being unable to provide for their children.
- She and her fellow "playground mums" feel marginalized by their husbands and disrespected by working mothers, but she cannot convey her disappointments in a way that compares with the bone-deep guilt of the "neglectful" working mother.
- Meanwhile my son ran around the parking lot, just like those unsupervised kids that you look at as they run around in the parking lot, and you wonder, "what kind of neglectful parent just lets their kids run around in the parking lot like that?"
- The other side of the pressure and stress is caused by the very large number of people who assume that only a SAHM can be a good mother, and a career oriented woman must be some kind of neglectful mother who is having her kids raised by strangers.
- Thus full of contradictions, unbending yet haughty, gentle yet fierce, tender and again neglectful, he by some strange art found easy entrance to the admiration and affection of women; now caressing and now tyrannizing over them according to his mood, but in every change a despot.
- * It never occured to me, that she did not have any time to organize them, I just assumed it was some kind of neglectful lazy oversight on her part, and felt genetically ashamed that a) she could not seem to keep her coupons organized and b) that we were the kind of family that needed to use coupons.
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