IPA: nˈɛgɫʌdʒʌns
- The state of being negligent.
- (law, singular only) The tort whereby a duty of reasonable care was breached, causing damage: any conduct short of intentional or reckless action that falls below the legal standard for preventing unreasonable injury.
- (law, uncountable) The breach of a duty of care: the failure to exercise a standard of care that a reasonable person would have in a similar situation.
Examples of "negligence" in Sentences
- The company was sued for negligence after failing to provide adequate safety measures for its employees
- The doctor's negligence in prescribing the wrong medication led to a patient's serious health complications
- The landlord was found liable for negligence when a tenant slipped and fell on the icy sidewalk
- The driver was charged with vehicular manslaughter due to his negligence in running a red light
- The restaurant owner faced legal repercussions for negligence in maintaining proper food safety standards