IPA: nˈeɪbɝhʊd
- The residential area near one's home.
- The inhabitants of a residential area.
- A formal or informal division of a municipality or region.
- An approximate amount.
- The quality of physical proximity.
- (chiefly obsolete) The quality of being a neighbor, of living nearby, next to each-other; proximity.
- (dated) Close proximity; nearness.
- (obsolete) The disposition becoming a neighbor; neighborly kindness or good will.
- (topology) Within a topological space:
- A set containing an open set which contains some specified point.
- Alternatively: An open set which contains some specified point.
- (topology) Within a metric space:
- A set containing an open ball which contains a specified point.
- Alternatively: An open ball which contains some specified point.
- (topology) The infinitesimal open set of all points that may be reached directly from a given point.
- (graph theory) The set of all the vertices adjacent to a given vertex.
- (cellular automata) The set of all cells near a given cell used to determine that cell's state in the next generation.
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