IPA: niˈɑɫʌdʒɪzʌm
- (linguistics, lexicography, countable) A word or phrase which has recently been coined; a new word or phrase, or an existing one which has gained a new meaning.
- (linguistics, uncountable) The act or instance of coining, or uttering a new word.
- (psychiatry) The newly coined, meaningless words or phrases of someone with a psychosis, usually schizophrenia.
- (theology, historical) Synonym of neology.
Examples of "neologism" in Sentences
- For all that your neologism is pungent and to the point.
- Recent Links Tagged With "neologism" - JabberTags on October 20th, 2008 at 1: 34 pm:
- Mia_Nodecker: Sanotorun... the neologism neologism |nä�ë�ã¤lé�ë�jizé�m| noun a newly coined
- Kendrick has a lengthy discussion of "pornography" as a nineteenth-century neologism from the Greek: "writing by or about whores."
- The terms freeters (a neologism formed form the English word "free" and the German "Arbeiter", which indicates a person who gets by on menial jobs) and
- And give the word neologism to our language, as a root, and it should give us its fellow substantives, neology, neologist, neologization; its adjectives, neologous, neological, neologistical; its verb, neologize; and adverb neologically.
- And give the word neologism to our language, as a root, and it should give us it's fellow substantives, neology, neologist, neologisation; it's adjectives neologous, neological, neologistical, it's verb neologise, and adverb neologically.
- The French literary theorist Gérard Genette coined the neologism ‘paratext’ to describe subsidiary and secondary material such as prefaces, post-scripts, footnotes and illustrations, which illuminate, but are ultimately subservient to, the principle text.
- Whereas a neologism is normally understood to be a new word formed consciously, by a subjectivity in possession of itself and its language, in Balfour's essay subjecticity falls into play possibly by accident: "It could have been a typo, in this word that is not exactly a word: subjecticity."