IPA: nˈɛðɝ
- (UK dialectal, Scotland) Oppression; stress; a withering or stunting influence.
- (mining) A trouble; a fault or dislocation in a seam of coal.
- (transitive, UK dialectal, Northern England, Scotland) To bring or thrust down; bring or make low; lower; abase; humble.
- (transitive, UK dialectal, Northern England, Scotland) To constrict; straiten; confine; restrict; suppress; lay low; keep under; press in upon; vex; harass; oppress.
- (transitive, UK dialectal, Scotland) To pinch or stunt with cold or hunger; check in growth; shrivel; straiten.
- (transitive, UK dialectal, Scotland) To shrink or huddle, as with cold; be shivery; tremble.
- (transitive, UK dialectal, Scotland) To depreciate; disparage; undervalue.
- Lower; under.
- Lying beneath, or conceived as lying beneath, the Earth’s surface.
- Down; downward.
- Low; low down.
Examples of "nether" in Sentences
- The nether regions of the house were always cold and musty, making them the perfect hiding spot for spiders
- His mind wandered to the nether reaches of his memories, where he had buried the pain of his past
- The nether world was said to be a place of eternal darkness and suffering in many ancient myths
- She felt a strange chill run through her body as she delved into the nether depths of the haunted forest
- The nether realm was a place of mystery and danger, where only the bravest adventurers dared to tread