IPA: nʊroʊsˈɝdʒɝi
- (neurology, surgery, uncountable) The surgical discipline focused on treating those central and peripheral nervous system diseases.
- (neurology, surgery, countable) Any surgical procedure performed on the brain; brain surgery.
Examples of "neurosurgery" in Sentences
- For example, the median clinically reasonable wait time before receiving neurosurgery is 5.8 weeks.
- During this period because of my commitment to the office of the dean I have not been able to perform much of neurosurgery, which is my passion.
- As you rightly point out, there is a critical mass required to sustain services such as neurosurgery on both a clinical and cost effective basis.
- This week's New Yorker features an engaging article by Christine Kenneally about hemispherectomy, perhaps "the most radical procedure in neurosurgery."
- And there is a certain kind of neurosurgery by which they can be treated, wherein they still report feeling the same sensation, but they don’t mind it anymore.
- He notes that physicians with more intensive specialties, such as neurosurgery or emergency medicine, were more likely to be overwhelmed by those duties than others.
- To maintain neurosurgery service, Levine recommended waivers for two neurosurgeons so they could work without malpractice insurance, which is known in medical circles as ` ` going bare. ''
- I believe neurosurgery is shrouded in a mystique and many people would like to know what it is like from an insider, so I take the reader into the operating room to experience surgery as I have.
- Today, eighteen years after my first visit to Ukraine, Igor is one of the most successful and famous neurosurgeons in the country, practising modern neurosurgery which is directly equivalent to what is available in the West.
- Hunt said the deal also will free up significant space at St. Joseph's, located at Third Avenue and Thomas Road, allowing Arizona's largest hospital to expand its other specialty-care programs such as neurosurgery, neurology, cardiology and pulmonology.