IPA: nʊrʌtˈɑksɪn
- (neuroscience, toxicology, pharmacology) A toxin that specifically acts upon neurons, their synapses, or the nervous system in its entirety.
Examples of "neurotoxin" in Sentences
- If pornography is like a "neurotoxin" that "damages the brain" as some U.S.
- But if I dumped some kind of neurotoxin all over myself, I wouldn't give a s*!
- The kind of neurotoxin that motivated Timothy McVeigh is now served up in quantity on national television.
- Mercury (thimerosal) is another toxic heavy metal, a known developmental neurotoxin, that is used in some mascaras and eye drops.
- But the Southern Pacific also produces a neurotoxin, which is more serious because it quickly affects breathing and muscle control.
- While 3 out of the 6 birds tested were positive for domoic acid, we cannot conclude that the neurotoxin is the primary cause of the widespread illness.
- And that pornography is not a "neurotoxin" that damages the brain as some anti-pornography "crusaders" claim: "As for the persistent perception that pornography breeds crime against women: aggressive men don't need porn as an incentive to be violent."