IPA: nˈutɝɪŋ
- The act by which something is neutered.
Examples of "neutering" in Sentences
- Pets require health exams, immunizations and you should consider options such as neutering or spaying.
- In that case, he's doing a great job of "neutering" the LAUSD school board, if not effectively eliminating it entirely.
- Also "neutering" is ridiculous, the proposals have nothing to do with investment banking, which is a client service which should continue unhindered.
- Rather, gender-neutering is bad writing because it causes the writer to introduce elements that serve no purpose as far as conveying the subject at hand, merely to make a political point.
- While the issue identified and addressed in MS10-002 was identified to exist on high-profile web sites, thus far real-world examples of the SCRIPT tag neutering attack scenario have been hard to come by.
- "While the issue identified and addressed in MS10-002 was identified to exist on high-profile websites, thus far real-world examples of the SCRIPT tag neutering attack scenario have been hard to come by."