IPA: nutrˈinoʊ
- An elementary particle that is classified as a lepton, and has an extremely small but nonzero mass and no electric charge. It interacts with the surroundings only via the weak force or gravitation, making it very difficult to detect.
Examples of "neutrino" in Sentences
- The neutrino is a participant in processes involving the
- The neutrino is very reluctant to react with its environment.
- The neutrino is an elementary particle, which was postulated in 1930 by Wolfgang
- The most common particle in the universe, the neutrino, is created in huge quantities during these reactions.
- The neutrino is an obscure particle with no electric charge and which only interacts with matter via the weak nuclear force.
- A neutrino is a sub-atomic particle that interacts weakly with matter and travels at a speed that is essentially the speed of light.
- This means e.g. that the electron and the neutrino belong to the same family of particles; the neutrino is the electron's little brother.
- The simplest model that fits all the neutrino data implies that the mass of the electron neutrino is about 100 million times smaller than the mass of the electron.
- This splendid theory lent great credibility to the hypothesis that the neutrino is created simultaneously with the electron every time a nucleus disintegrates through beta decay.
- For example, a positively charged pion decaying to a positively charged muon and a muon neutrino is the mirror process of a negatively charged pion decaying to a negatively charged muon and a muon antineutrino.