
IPA: nˈutrɑn


  • (physics) A subatomic particle forming part of the nucleus of an atom and having no charge; it is a combination of an up quark and two down quarks.

Examples of "neutron" in Sentences

  • About half of them found their careers in neutron scattering.
  • The existence of the neutron is however only a recent discovery.
  • With the crystal set at a suitable angle, a certain neutron wavelength can be selected.
  • On the other hand, if a neutron is emitted the product of the reaction is not a known atom.
  • USEEM: With the name neutron Jack, as in a neutron bomb, buildings are left standing but the people are gone.
  • The neutron is a heavy particle without any electric charge and of the same weight as the nucleus of an atom of hydrogen.
  • During a hectic period between 1955 and 1960 Brockhouse's pioneering work was without parallel within neutron spectroscopy.
  • There were many problems in neutron diffusion such as finding the critical mass that required more careful formulations than had been carried out in the earliest projections.
  • Apart from any surface contamination of the plant, the remaining radioactivity comes from "activation products" such as steel components that have been exposed to long-term neutron irradiation.
  • Cosmo – A long-term neutron measurement project, under the tutelage of the late Dr. Jack Lockwood and Dr. Jim Ryan of UNH's Physics Department, Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space.

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