IPA: nˈukʌmɝ
- One who has recently come to a community; a recent arrival.
- A new participant in some activity; a neophyte.
- A surname.
Examples of "newcomer" in Sentences
- The newcomer is third-round draft pick Chase Coffman.
- So what's shocking to the newcomer is the amount of coasting.
- If a newcomer is looking for a perpetual vacation, they are not going to find it.
- Now, one of the first points which strike the newcomer is the conservatism of Canada.
- This and the fact the newcomer is then in more of a comfort zone than the old OI, where you were flung in amongst and into an OI with varied levels of support for your new experience.
- The first impact upon the newcomer is apt to be discouraging, for he is apt to be overwhelmned by the magnitude of poverty, misery and degradation, and not be aware of the magnitude of the effort which India today is making to meet her problems.