IPA: nˈufˈaʊnd
- Recently found; newly discovered.
Examples of "newfound" in Sentences
- Susan Boyle calls her newfound fame "breathtaking."
- I called my newfound friend earlier who works in Singapore.
- The people that they are getting are so-called newfound Republicans.
- Stewart has dubbed his newfound nemesis "The Ayatollah of Payola" and "Duke Sellington."
- Others called the newfound interest in innovation - and the diversity it is supposed to bring to the economy - a healthy start.
- On his most recent album, " I See the Sign, " Mr. Amidon ' s gentle music recalls newfound field recordings that have been gussied up without losing their affecting authenticity.
- Washington, DC Rotters - In what the White House is describing as a newfound sense of bipartisanship and mercy, President Bush late today issued a full and complete pardon to accused "DC Madame" Deborah Palfrey.
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