
IPA: nˈuzkæstɝ


  • (broadcasting, journalism) One who delivers the news for broadcast on television, radio, etc; a newsreader.

Examples of "newscaster" in Sentences

  • Who's that big mouth, egotistical so called "newscaster"?
  • The female newscaster is still detailing this big fight that went on earlier.
  • I clearly recall a newscaster being disciplined because they were wearing an American flag pin days after 9-11.
  • But Olbermann's priority and his mission as a newscaster is the solution for why the public mistrusts the media: TRUTH.
  • Just because as a 'newscaster' he keeps hugely idiotic company doesn't mean we should enshrine him in any politico-critical halls of fame.
  • One of my most frequent reminders is a local "newscaster" well, actually more of a "news" personality, the approximately 84 year old Marvin Zindler.
  • When I was in high school, I was a "newscaster" for a half hour segment our Communications class put together every week for the local cable access channel.
  • Dr. Izz el-Deen Aboul Aish, who gave frequent interviews to the Israeli media, was minutes away from giving another when he called newscaster Shlomi Eldar, screaming and weeping with grief.

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