IPA: nˈusfɫæʃ
- (broadcasting) A brief media report of something that has recently taken place.
Examples of "newsflash" in Sentences
- On the other hand, a person who didn ` t get the wished newsflash is dissapointed.
- The "newsflash" on the bonuses, according to Schultz, is that there is nothing Congress can do to stop it.
- He originally got banned from the BBC for secretly inserting a fake 'newsflash' in between two scheduled shows.
- The big newsflash is that it isn’t just coal or mountaintop removal to extract it but, the simple fact that corporate money and influence is more important than the lives and welfare of the people.
- His 'newsflash' about the centrality of Catholic dogma to this discussion just begs for someone to point out the painfully obvious irony, namely, that Catholic dogma has a most militantly anti-science track record.