IPA: nˈuzɫɛs
- Without news.
Examples of "newsless" in Sentences
- W. Christopher (+, -) Transition to State painless but newsless.
- I can't lose the whole Democratic Party is newsless than a minute ago via webEd Henry edhenrycnn
- Everyone recognizes that it was essentially a newsless press conference until the last question.
- I was newsless all day Friday from having spent the whole day with my son at Children's Hospital.
- Now Dyson can get to work on the newsless newspaper, for which much preliminary groundwork has been laid in extensive experiments.
- But another one of these newsless news conferences, and the broadcast networks may well leave it to cable and C-SPAN in order to stimulate their own economies.
- Apparently, Britney Spears took a stroll on the streets of New York last night while her newsless, yet somehow touching documentary For the Record aired on MTV.
- They faced the prospect of a somewhat newsless but high-profile encounter, and they needed a device that would capture the essence of the Obama administration approach.
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