IPA: nˈuzpɝsʌn
- (uncommon) A person involved in the gathering or delivery of news: a reporter or journalist.
Examples of "newsperson" in Sentences
- And he's got this mean nasty side to him, and it's entertaining, but don't tell me he's a newsperson.
- Most of what we read is mostly opinion or enhance in the way the so called "newsperson" leans it is pathetic.
- Hannity is not a news person, doesn't pretend to be a newsperson, and is not advertised or put forth as a news person.
- I can't recall any "newsperson" making that sort of comment about anybody before, although perhaps I don't get out enough.
- I can't believe you run garbage like this but don't report on the two incidents about ACORN in MD. and D.C. How the hell can you people look at yourself in the mirror and say I'm proud to be an honest newsperson?
- Whatever it was, I cringed and found myself wondering about this woman I had come to think of over the years as a tough, feisty newsperson always willing to put presidents on the spot by asking the difficult questions.
- A state appeals court concurred, writing that her postings on the website, which bills itself as "The Wall Street Journal of the Porn Industry," "were not made in the context of any recognized aspect of the news process nor, we conclude, by a 'newsperson' in the course of her professional activities."
- A state appeals court concurred, writing that her postings on the website, which bills itself as "The Wall Street Journal of the Porn Industry," "were not made in the context of any recognized aspect of the news process nor, we conclude, by a 'newsperson' in the course of her professional activities."
- I don't believe that any journalist who holds certain viewpoints will automatically allow them to taint the various stories he or she covers; I don't think that just because the true feelings of any newsperson somehow slip out into the realm of the public, that man or woman is now spoiled and has "lost credibility."