IPA: nˈuzvˈɛndɝ
- A person who runs a newsstand selling newspapers, magazines, etc.
Examples of "newsvendor" in Sentences
- A newsvendor began to sing, and was joined in chorus --
- The newsvendor said he did not know, he did not understand.
- I scrambled over a pile of baggage and came within arm's length of the newsvendor.
- I was once walking through Liverpool Street station and the newsvendor had written the day's headline on a board.
- He stopped at a newsvendor, dropped in a coin, and waited for the reproducing mechanism to turn out a fresh paper.
- A newsvendor at the corner spreads a newspaper placard upon the wood pavement, pins the corners down with stones, and we glimpse something about: —
- Then the demons arrived, but instead of claws, they attacked us with the twine-cutting hook-rings of a newsvendor, and we were powerless to stop them.
- More excitement was caused by a newsvendor mounting a box and holding aloft a single copy of the latest newspaper which he would sell to the highest bidder.
- One must not forget that the money used to pay the salaries was money which came from the worker, from the newsvendor, the bootblack or busboy, from people who received only 90 or 100 pesos.