IPA: nˈaɪsɪti
- A small detail or distinction.
- Subtlety or precision of use; exactness; preciseness.
- Delicacy of character or feeling usually from excessive refinement; fastidiousness
- (obsolete) That which is delicate to the taste.
Examples of "nicety" in Sentences
- Another nicety is the brand's Magic Motion zapper.
- Another nicety is the way that it holds the iPad itself.
- “To a nicety, that is my opinion, now that you put it so clearly, sir.”
- "To a nicety, that is my opinion, now that you put it so clearly, sir."
- But, Fenty said, no "nicety" would have convinced the council to extend the program.
- Note: All this scrupulous nicety is at variance with the decision of St. Paul about meat offered to idols, 1 Cor. x.
- One thing that may or may not be a nicety is the Organizer, which keeps a list of projects, code repositories, and iOS devices for testing.
- Then comes the difficult task of felling the trees between the rows of coffee, a work of great nicety, which is partly effected by the final stroke of the axe, and partly by hauling a rope attached to the top of the tree.
- That kind of diplomatic nicety from the Russians was so surprising that Clay immediately sent a “Confidential” cable to Washington saying: “Soviet courtesy of this type is so unusual that I attach significance to it as a possible preliminary move to a settlement which would be intended to prevent West German government.”