
IPA: nˈɪgɝd


  • A miser or stingy person; a skinflint.
  • A false bottom in a grate, used for saving fuel.


  • (intransitive) To hoard; to act stingily.


  • Sparing; stinting; parsimonious.
  • Miserly or stingy.

Examples of "niggard" in Sentences

  • Through the centuries niggard of it, like the aloe with its bud;
  • We cannot be niggard with Kahekili and cut his allotment of sacrifice in half. '
  • The niggard is a thief; he steals from himself in not allowing himself what is needful.
  • On account that people including blacks are inclined to confuse “niggard” with a similar word which is a racial slur.
  • On account that people (including blacks) are inclined to confuse “niggard” with a similar word which is a racial slur.
  • A weary journey beyond the last scrub timber and straggling copses, into the heart of the Barrens where the niggard North is supposed to deny the
  • The thatch of hair, dust-coloured, straight and sparse, advertised the niggard soil, as did the nose, thin, delicately modelled, and just hinting the suggestion of a beak.
  • The Highland soldier, far from his country, is accompanied by this holy love, this inexhaustible stimulus to exertion, which induces him to save with what may be unjustly called a niggard hand his earnings, to support, in their old age, those who have given him birth.
  • All he seemed able to do, though, was recall his father's castle, hawks nesting in the bell tower, himself about to ride forth on one of the horses they still used at home but pausing to look down the mountainside, fells and woods and the peasants 'niggard fields, then everything hazed into blue hugeness.
  • Could poor Robert have kept his children in their old habits of living, he might have reserved some of the profits arising from his works, but he loved his children too tenderly to be a niggard; and, besides, he received his profits at a time when bread was six or seven shillings per stone: no wonder that with a sickly family to sup port, he was embarrassed.

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