IPA: nˈɪgɝdɫi
- Withholding for the sake of meanness; stingy, miserly.
- (now rare) In a parsimonious way; sparingly, stingily.
Examples of "niggardly" in Sentences
- A climate where the word niggardly is dangerous to your employment prospects.
- A city councilman lost his job because he used the word niggardly in a report.
- It's like the word "niggardly" -- it sounds racist, and it looks racist, but (historically, at least) it's not.
- He has discouraged me from using the word niggardly in polite conversation because of its similarity to another N word.
- Hell, I even hesitate to use the adjective "niggardly" -- an absolutely legitimate word dating back to Middle English -- for fear that it and/or I will be misunderstood.
- There's a broad difference between using the term niggardly - which has a totally different meaning and etymology to that of the N word - and saying that a black man is "uppity."
- That is not the only case, there was the response to the use of the word niggardly as it related to a budget matter, but the left wing community went wild on the white man who made the statement.
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