IPA: nˈaɪ
- A surname.
- A surname from Middle English
- A surname from German
- (transitive, intransitive) to draw nigh (to); to approach; to come near
- (archaic, poetic) near, close by
- Not remote in degree, kindred, circumstances, etc.; closely allied; intimate.
- Almost, nearly.
Examples of "nigh" in Sentences
- “The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth” Romans 10:8.
- And then is there another church right nigh, that is clept NOTRE
- Now the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh, which is called the passover.
- There may men see many foul figure assembled, and namely nigh the good towns.
- Chapter 22 1. Now the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh, which is called the Passover.
- This is a collaboration between three incredibly talented fantasists, two of whom have done so much work together that they clearly are in nigh-psychic communication with one another.
- Thus did God graciously provide for the keeping up of religion among them, and that they might have the word nigh them; yet, blessed be God, we, under the gospel, have it yet nigher, not only
- For those of us currently deluged with work, stretching from one week to another, or simply those who work on many different things, tracking down when an event is happening in nigh impossible.
- Marriage problems have also blighted his year and, after many sleepless nights deliberating how to make his four wildcard picks, a task he described as nigh on impossible, next Friday cannot come soon enough for Montgomerie.