IPA: nˈaɪtkæp
- A warm cloth cap worn while sleeping, often with pajamas, being common attire in northern Europe before effective home heating became widespread.
- A beverage drunk before bed that is usually alcoholic.
- (by extension, figuratively) Something that a person reads or listens to before bed.
- (US, sports, baseball) The final match of a sporting contest, especially the second game of a baseball doubleheader.
- (historical) A cap drawn over the face of the condemned person before they are hanged.
- (intransitive) To drink an alcoholic beverage shortly before retiring to bed.
Examples of "nightcap" in Sentences
- The nightcap was a makeup of Wednesday night's rainout.
- My nightcap from the Management was this notice in red ink
- The nightcap is between teams that climbed as high as second
- And the nightcap is the one you enjoy just as the birds start to sing.
- A nightcap should be a one-off, not "one more" of whatever you're drinking.
- If a marriage is to come off, the bride's lace on her nightcap is a subject of criticism.
- This lets out those who might decide to eat an entire lobster after midnight, or anyone whose idea of a nightcap is a belgian waffle.
- At 4 hours, 45 minutes, the nightcap was the longest nine-inning game in major league history, and it came on top of a relatively speedy 3:55 afternoon contest.
- M'Carthy prudently hesitated either to arouse his loyalty or disturb the tranquility of his family, and after joining him in a tumbler of punch, or what O'Driscol termed his nightcap, he retired to bed, where, however, he could not for a considerable time prevent himself from ruminating, with a good deal of seriousness, upon the extraordinary interview he had had with the friendly stranger.