IPA: nˈaɪtkrˈɔɫɝ
- An earthworm of the species Lumbricus terrestris, known for its large size and nocturnal surfacings.
- (chiefly Northeastern US, Upper Midwestern US, Western US) More generally, any arbitrarily large earthworm, especially those favored in angling.
Examples of "nightcrawler" in Sentences
- Went on many a nightcrawler hunt when we were kids.
- The night before a fishing trip we go out nightcrawler hunting.
- Out here in AZ, it's difficult to find good nightcrawler grounds.
- Based on my experience, I can catch 3x as many largemouth on a nightcrawler than anything else.
- I was fishing with a nightcrawler on a single hook with a two foot leader and a swivel connecting to my main line.