IPA: nˈaɪtɫi
- (computing) A build of a software program with the latest changes, released every night.
- Happening or appearing in the night; night-time; nocturnal.
- Performing, occurring, or taking place every night.
- Used in the night.
- Every night.
Examples of "nightly" in Sentences
- Those calves of legs whose pearly shine make light in nightly gloom:
- Each team reports in nightly by phone and files a written weekly report.
- While the Malecon's musicians entertain nightly, its fascinating sculptures provide non - stop enjoyment.
- Next door or across the street, there may be kids near your children's age, who participate in nightly pick-up soccer games in the street.
- Comedy Central's Daily Show is on the scene 11 ET/PT; interstitial kids 'coverage on Nickelodeon; BET and TV One report live nightly from the Democratic convention.
- It was not enough for my merely taking in nightly news reports from CNN and other mainstream American media; to conduct an investigation for inquiry of social fact, I needed to go to Serbia and investigate for myself.
- It's no big secret (nay, the national news delights in nightly reminding us) that crime in New Orleans is out of control; and it should come as no great shock that a significant number of those arrested are young people.
- Their collective objective is to develop potent software to process the estimated 30 terabytes of astronomy imagery (think 12 billion five-megapixel photos) that will stream nightly from the newly built Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, or LSST, slated to go online in 2013.