IPA: nˈaɪtʃɝt
- A shirt-like garment (often oversized) that is worn to bed.
Examples of "nightshirt" in Sentences
- Eir stepped into a pair of trousers and drew them on beneath her nightshirt.
- She awoke suddenly with a gasp and sat up in bed, her nightshirt drenched in sweat.
- She climbed over the top end of the bed, her nightshirt dragging pitifully on the floor.
- Ivy stood in the doorway, her hair knotted with sleep, her nightshirt falling off one shoulder.
- One nightshirt, one dress, one shirtwaist, one skirt—Jane had a hard time understanding such limitations.
- She clutched a dirty, tattered blanket around her shoulders—and was that just a nightshirt beneath the blanket?
- A woman about to die was spotted in her nightshirt sitting on the branch of an apple tree not far from her home precisely at the moment when she herself was inside, starting her last death-throes.
- She was grace incarnate, swimming out of her clothes as if emerging from a cool, clean mountain stream, naked before him as she bent for the stiff cotton nightshirt that lay folded beneath her pillow on the raised wooden pallet beside his own.
- The idea came to him that he must do something more than usual to attract the attention of God, and he turned back the rug which was in front of his bed so that he could kneel on the bare boards; and then it struck him that his nightshirt was a softness that might displease his Maker, so he took it off and said his prayers naked.