IPA: nˈaɪttaɪm
- The hours of darkness between sunset and sunrise; the night.
- Pertaining to nighttime; appropriate to the night.
- Happening during the night.
Examples of "nighttime" in Sentences
- He needs to learn that nighttime is sleeping time.
- CNN has also taken a dive in nighttime ratings to from what I am reading.
- White nights: surreal effect of artificial light in nighttime photography
- If nighttime is falling, take a few test shots to anticipate your composition when the light is perfect.
- It's fearsome because it's so unforgiving and nighttime is so dark in the bush it's like you have never seen.
- Then I'm waiting for the night to come so I can go back to reading Lover Avenged - nighttime is just better to read about vampires.
- Afternoons are usually when I'm reading the most, as nighttime is when I'm at my keyboard writing or killing my wrist by writing freehand.
- The day sessions were too hot for him but he called the nighttime collision of sound, large-scale art installations and crowds "a sort of music in itself."
- But they should be expected to be able to communicate their need upon waking (hungry, thirsty, need to pee, scared, etc.), and then be able to understand that nighttime is the time we sleep, and morning is when we wake – so after the need is met, we go right back to bed.