IPA: nˈaɪʌɫɪzʌm
- (usually uncountable) The view that all endeavours are devoid of objective meaning.
- (usually uncountable) The rejection of, or opposition to, religious beliefs, (inherent or objective) moral principles, legal rules, etc., often due to the view that life is meaningless (sense 1).
- (usually uncountable, politics) The rejection of non-proven or non-rationalized assertions in the social and political spheres of society.
- (uncountable, psychiatry) A delusion that oneself or the world, or parts thereof, have ceased to exist.
- (countable, uncountable, philosophy) A doctrine grounded on the negation of one or more meaningful aspects of life; in particular, the view that nothing in the world actually exists.
- (countable) Something that is regarded as meaningless.
- (Russia, politics, historical) A movement of the 1860s that rejected all authority and promoted the use of violence for political change.
- (uncountable, Russia, politics, historical) Alternative letter-case form of Nihilism (“a Russian movement of the 1860s that rejected all authority and promoted the use of violence for political change”) [(Russia, politics, historical) A movement of the 1860s that rejected all authority and promoted the use of violence for political change.]
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