IPA: nˈaɪdʒ
- the law enforcement agency that is the research and development branch of the department of justice
Examples of "nij" in Sentences
- NCJ 172837.…
- The pl. Khalánij is used by Himyán bin Kaháfah in this
- Denote by L the matrix of logarithms of the frequencies, lij = log (nij).
- Proportions of exposed/unexposed persons and outcomes (2 × 2 table) where nij is the random frequency falling into the cell (i, j),,
- The most widely used is the overall classi fi cation accuracy (p0): M i = 1 nii p0 = (7.2) N where M is the number of classes and N is the total number of samples: M M N = nij
- Ut quod sentio, dicam aper - te; id mihi non parum placet in Dissertatione Bolgcnii; quod metho - dum respicit, et scribendi rationem quae sane sapit bonitatem inge* nij Dissertatoris.
- For m; own part I am free to dechre (althoagh the eoniideratiaB is the moit painfnl to me) that in nij opinion War will nato - nlly grow out of the measum that some gentle - mea appear anxiona to pDraiie.
- Where not mentioned, only a certain baftard child born of the body of A; and two j-ilices tne or der of feffions, becaufe there being an order of twojuftices before, the have made an f efi - J0ns na d no iurifdiction but upon appeal, order, the let J «-i n-nij fions have no jurifdiction, but upon appeal.
- Similarly, the speci fi c accuracy for each class i can be computed from the confusion matrix in this way: 2nii pi = N N (7.6) j = 1 nij + j = 1 nji The information transfer rate Since the fi nal goal of every BCI system is to communicate the user's intents, as the number of possible choices increases measures of classi fi cation accu - racy alone become insu ffi cient.
- The value of k is computed as follows: p0 − pe k = (7.4) 1 − pe where p0 is called overall agreement and is computed as in 7.2, while pe is the chance agreement and is computed from the confusion matrix as follows: M M M i = 1 j = 1 nji j = 1 nij pe = (7.5) N2 where M nji is the sum of the ith column and M nij is the sum of the j = 1 j = 1 ith row of the confusion matrix.