IPA: nˈɪm
- A game in which players take turns removing objects from heaps.
- Alternative form of neem (“Indian tree”) [Azadirachta indica, a large, mostly evergreen tree from India, whose seeds yield neem oil, the insecticide azadirachtin.]
- (obsolete, transitive) To take or seize.
- (archaic, slang, transitive) To filch, steal, pilfer.
- (intransitive, UK dialectal) To walk with short, quick strides; trip along.
Examples of "nim" in Sentences
- - îm páradigm rhýthm dénim rhymes with Blénheim whím
- Pojdzmy za nim is admittedly a sketch, but it is a story of deep and moving sensibility.
- The terms nim and auk, dance and tree, and the local ong, are introduced to describe the particular locality and circumstances of the mythologic dances.
- Pojdzmy za nim is written with noble piety; it is a modest flower growing at the foot of the cross and enclosing in its blossom a drop of the blood of the Saviour.
- That's because though the vocabulary of Volapük is based on English, the words are truncated and weird-looking --- as in 'nim', derived from animal, or 'fat' derived from father.