IPA: nɪnˈɛpɪn
- The wooden pin used in the game of ninepins; a skittle.
Examples of "ninepin" in Sentences
- Maurice Mair seemed to spin like a teetotum and pitch upon his face like a ninepin.
- As I did so, the Thing rose straight at me in a leap, and I was knocked over like a ninepin.
- That a dozen soft words should have bowled me over like a ninepin, and left me without an inch of ground to call my own.
- Certain of the men have huge dilly-bags made of strips of lawyer-cane, and shaped like a ninepin with a funnel for a head.
- George got off one shot before Eddie's bullet drove him back into the screaming man, bowling him over like a ninepin, but it went wild.
- Now, this amiable duo of 19-year-olds, completed by Harley "Kicks" Alexander-Sule, are eyeing an ascent of the pop charts themselves, thanks in part to another ninepin effect – success by association.
- That he was called upon to serve his country, by good service, if such were within his power, he did acknowledge freely; but not that he should allow himself to be stuck up as a ninepin only to be knocked down!
- The old gentleman is merely shaken and has his internal feathers beaten up, the cushion is restored to its usual place beside him, and the old lady, perhaps with her cap adjusted and perhaps not, is planted in her chair again, ready to be bowled down like a ninepin.
- Mr Sparkler, as to tip that gentleman over like a larger species of ninepin, and cause him to exhibit the soles of his shoes to the object of his dearest wishes: while the nobler portions of his anatomy struggled at the bottom of his boat in the arms of one of his men.