IPA: nˈaɪntiɪθ
- The person or thing in the ninetieth position.
- One of ninety equal parts of a whole.
- The ordinal form of the number ninety.
Examples of "ninetieth" in Sentences
- “Besides, your ninetieth wedding anniversary only comes around once.”
- Coincidentally, Prince Philip would be celebrating his ninetieth birthday on June 10, 2011.
- Sitting in the airport before a television screen, I watch Nelson Mandela take the stage at his ninetieth birthday celebration.
- In April 2010, shortly before his ninetieth birthday, Stevens announced his resignation after thirty-five years on the Supreme Court.
- Approaching her ninetieth birthday, she felt that the job had aged her, that it had scooped her up and carried her summarily past her middle years—well, her late middle years.
- At some point following the Diamond Jubilee in 2012—perhaps upon her own ninetieth birthday in 2016—she would agree to step aside allowing Charles to become king at last at age sixty-seven—still making him the oldest person ever to assume the throne, although at an age when he might still leave his mark on history.