IPA: nˈaɪnti
- the cardinal number that is the product of ten and nine
- being ten more than eighty
Examples of "ninety" in Sentences
- He is in ninety percent of the film and rightfully so.
- By the end of this term ninety souls were added to the flock.
- In California thieves can remove a platinum-filled catalytic converter in ninety seconds.
- Newspapers took two cents of journalism and wrapped in ninety-eight cents of overhead and distraction.
- Then, let the republicans do their plan of giving tax cuts to the rich and see if it creates jobs and works in ninety days.
- Gabriel was despatched to him with that short chapter of the Koran, which we call the ninety-fourth, beginning with the words
- While hilarious and entertaining, I thought it a bit strange that in ninety minutes of discussion they barely mentioned their game.
- If I write a two year business plan and receive a loan, I don't think you can measure it's success or failure in ninety days when I have only spent 10% of the loan money.
- The angel Gabriel was despatched to him with that short chapter of the Koran, which we call the ninety - fourth, beginning with the words "Have we not gladdened thy breast?"