
IPA: nˈɪni


  • (informal) A silly or foolish person.

Examples of "ninny" in Sentences

  • Looks like that grinning ninny from the penis pill commercials.
  • Leaving aside the "ninny" part, the analysis "it's a religion" means, among other things:
  • Oh Richard Whittington you have made me laugh, never in my life have I been called a ninny!
  • Another "ninny" played to-night, namely GIANNINNI, all right vocally, but not much dramatically.
  • By the way, this is the first time I've heard "ninny" used in a sentence by an adult in about 70 years.
  • John remembered, Dr. Johnson had lived, and he tried to imagine the scene that took place on the night of misery when Oliver Goldsmith went to the Doctor and wept over the failure of _The Good Natured Man_, and was called a ninny for his pains.
  • A pile of newspapers and letters for the master of the house; the Newcome Sentinel, old county paper, moderate conservative, in which our worthy townsman and member is praised, his benefactions are recorded, and his speeches given at full length; the Newcome Independent, in which our precious member is weekly described as a ninny, and informed almost every Thursday morning that he is a bloated aristocrat, as he munches his dry toast.

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