IPA: naɪˈoʊbiʌm
- A chemical element (symbol Nb) with an atomic number of 41: a light grey, crystalline, ductile transition metal used in superconducting materials.
- (countable) A single atom of this element.
Examples of "niobium" in Sentences
- Columbite is the ore of niobium, which is used in steels and high strength alloys.
- Columbium (also called niobium), like vanadium, is generally considered to increase the hardenability of steel.
- These minerals are the principal sources of columbium (commonly called niobium), tantalum and molybdenum metals.
- The company produces more than 80% of the world's supply of niobium, which is used to strengthen steel and is widely employed in making cars and natural-gas pipelines.
- Lance Cooley of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory is working with a metallic element called niobium to create the next generation of high-energy physics experiments.
- Mr. Hallbauer added: "With limited near-term niobium production on the horizon and demand steadily growing, an open pit mining operation at Aley has strong potential to become a key asset for Taseko."
- Brazil's Companhia Brasileira de Metalurgia e Mineraçào, or CBMM as it is known, produces more than 80% of the world's supply of niobium, which is used to strengthen steel and is widely employed in making cars and natural-gas pipelines.