
IPA: nˈɪtri


  • Britain standard spelling of niter.

Examples of "nitre" in Sentences

  • You know, nitre is the most important stuff to make powder with.
  • High fans meaning nothing keep the heat down but the nitre keeps burning
  • High fans meaning nothing keep the heat down, but the nitre keeps burning.
  • Mr. Barrow, in his travels through the southern parts, of the continent of Africa, discovered native nitre, which is probably similar ta the rock saltpetre of Kentucky.
  • The name derives from the Latin nitrum and Greek nitron for "native soda" and genes for "forming" because of nitrogen's presence in potassium nitrate (KNO), so called salpeter or nitre or native soda.
  • They have calculated what quantity of matter convertible into nitre is to be found in Bedford House, in Woburn Abbey, and in what his Grace and his trustees have still suffered to stand of that foolish royalist, Inigo
  • They have calculated what quantity of matter convertible into nitre is to be found in Bedford House, in Woburn Abbey, and in what his Grace and his trustees have still suffered to stand of that foolish royalist Inigo Jones, in Covent Garden.
  • "In a Hydropicall body ten years buried in a Church-yard, we met with a fat concretion, where the nitre of the Earth, and the salt and lixivious liquor of the body, had coagulated large lumps of fat, into the consistence of the hardest castle-soap: wherof part remaineth with us."
  • Mention of this substance is made in (Proverbs 25: 20) -- "and as vinegar upon nitre" -- and in (Jeremiah 2: 26) The article denoted is not that which we now understand by the term nitre i.e. nitrate of Potassa -- "saltpetre" -- but the nitrum of the Latins and the natron or native carbonate of soda of modern chemistry.

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