
IPA: nˈaɪtrʌfʌkˈeɪʃʌn


  • The process of nitrifying

Examples of "nitrification" in Sentences

  • "The risk of the impact (of the ammonium nitrate) is nitrification, which is algae blooms,"
  • In its dissolved form (NH4+) it contributes acidity to surface waters through the process of nitrification.
  • "nitrification" -- _i. e._, the process whereby organic nitrogen and ammonia salts are converted into nitrites and nitrates.
  • In addition to the bacteria, the burned sites had greater rates of nitrification, meaning that nitrogen was being processed more quickly through the ecosystem than without a fire.
  • Biological processes such as nitrification and denitrification are thought to drive nitrous oxide production in soils, which comprise the largest source of nitrous oxide to the atmosphere.
  • This ultimate destruction of organic matter is often called nitrification because one of the main substances released is nitrate -- that vital fertilizer that makes plants grow green and fast.
  • "Technically the last two steps in the process are nitrification proper; but, speaking generally, the term nitrification is used to include the three steps, or both ammonification and nitrification proper.
  • From what, however, we have subsequently learned regarding the process of "nitrification," it is quite probable that the nitrogen in these experiments was first converted into nitrates before being assimilated.
  • While, however, there may be circumstances in which lime, especially in its caustic form, acts as an antiseptic, its general tendency is to promote these fermentative changes, such as nitrification, so important to plant-life.
  • Cyanobacteria in aquatic ecosystems and some free-living bacteria in soil are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen  Nitrate (NO3 −) Formation and Use  Plants also use nitrates (NO3 −) as source of nitrogen  Production of nitrates during the nitrogen cycle is called nitrification

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