IPA: nˈaɪtrʌɫ
- (organic chemistry) Any of a class of organic compounds containing a cyano functional group −C≡N; they are named as derivatives of the appropriate carboxylic acid.
- A type of synthetic rubber formed by the copolymerisation of acrylonitrile and butadiene.
Examples of "nitrile" in Sentences
- The FC2 female condom is a nitrile sheath or pouch 6.5 inches in length.
- Made of a synthetic material called nitrile, it is less expensive – about $2 each – and not noisy.
- Made of a synthetic material called nitrile, it is less expensive - about $2 each - and not noisy.
- The second-generation condom is similar in design and performance to the FC1, except that it is made of a synthetic rubber called nitrile and costs about 30\% less, the company said.
- Over the years sealing applications have evolved from the traditional rubber and rubber-fabric seal constructions to a design which has a face of hard wearing thermoplastic polyester elastomer in contact with the bore, whereas the older design relies on a nitrile rubber dynamic sealing element.
- The gland seal design continues to include a plastic anti-extrusion ring, but is now of a larger section to withstand the increased metal-to-metal gaps which are the result of using bearing strip, the sealing material is now a responsive hydrolysis-resistant thermoplastic polyurethane, energised by a nitrile element.