IPA: naɪtroʊsˈɛɫjʌɫoʊs
- (organic chemistry) A cotton-like material, made from cellulose by the action of nitric and sulphuric acids, used in the manufacture of explosives, collodion etc.
Examples of "nitrocellulose" in Sentences
- So how can we know how much nitrocellulose is its equivalent?
- These nitrates are variously known as nitrocellulose, pyroxylin, and gun cotton.
- They're not made from plain plastic, but nitrocellulose, which is delightfully, highly flammable.
- Hiskey's formulation uses nitrocellulose as fuel and nitrates as oxidizer, thus avoiding perchlorates altogether.
- Nitrogen is used to make a variety of explosives including ammonium nitrate, nitroglycerin, nitrocellulose, and trinitrotoluene (TNT).
- A third important class of beamsplitters is fabricated from a high tensile strength elastic membrane (such as nitrocellulose) stretched like a canvas over a black anodized flat metal frame.
- Be this as it may, nitrocellulose is a duly respected member of the family of macromolecules, and I take pride in laying claim to scientific kinship to Alfred Nobel through an interest in this substance, however tenuous the connection may be.
- I studied both black and white and color photography in my homemade darkroom, and studied various earlier photographic techniques (i.e. daguerreotypes, tintypes, etc.) and discovered 1st hand the dangerousness of certain chemicals or materials (e.g. nitrocellulose-based film), even with proper ventilation.