IPA: naɪtʃrʌfɝˈæn
- A class of drug, derived from furan, used to inhibit bacterial growth.
Examples of "nitrofuran" in Sentences
- Use of nitrofuran in food animals was largely banned world-wide by 2002.
- Canada said it started inspecting all shipments of Chinese shrimp for the antibiotic nitrofuran in September 2006, and the first three shipments from Guolian passed inspection.
- They include many human antibiotics, penicillins and some names I recognise from the bad days of the European fish-farming industry -- nitrofuran, chloramphenicol and organophosphate pesticides.
- Specifically, through targeted sampling from October 2006 through May 2007, the FDA repeatedly found that farm-raised seafood from China contained antimicrobial agents not approved for use here: nitrofuran, malachite green, gentian violet and fluoroquinolone.